Thursday, April 18, 2013

Case 04-11-2013A Psychic Readings by Druids, Bards, Ovates, or even the Cat. Is it evil to charge for your Time, Skill, Training and Natura Arts?


Case for our learning and sharing of views: 04-11-2013A Psychic Readings by Druids, Bards, Ovates, or even the Cat. Is it evil to charge for your Time, Skill, Training and Natura Arts?

I will plead my Position. first. This will be polling sort of game. If you have Position for or against please follow this protocol or funny way of speaking.

Positions on case:

I Freeman /women (your name)
I Ovate (your name)
I Bard (your name)
I Druid (your name)
I Brehon (your name)

Before my honest Brehon Judges and all here in the Moot. State no it is not or yes it is, because (State your position).

Brehon Judges (please give a few days before judgement) f giving a position statement please have done that first.

I Brehon Judge (your name) cast a white stone in the "Cauldron of Law", no it is not evil.

I Brehon Judge (your name) cast a black stone in the "Cauldron of Law", yes it is evil.

As a Brehod Judge you may also leave a comment with your vote.

Please to not Position or Vote twice but use Edit function or Delete, if you want to redo your words.

Moot Admin.

The Druid King will count the "Cauldron of Law" SEVEN DAYS, report to the Moot the results and case will be closed!
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · April 11 at 6:14pm
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Marta de la Fuente likes this.

Marta de la Fuente You mean charge money or any other valuable item for exchange of psi readings to someone that requests it. Am I correct? (sorry, but as a non english born I must secure exact translation)
April 11 at 6:19pm via mobile · Unlike · 1

George King 
I Druid King, Before my honest Brehon Judges and all here in the Moot. State no it is not, because :

Is doing a Psychic Reading some kind of Sacred Religious task ? : No it is Not, so there can be no question of Evil if you charge for your Services!
My dear Friends and all others in this group or any group. First let me give a micro background, I have been psychic as far back as I can remember this life's childhood. Paid the price in Blood and Belt in a "Good Southern Baptist Home" Started talking classes professionally (Paid courses and personal one on one training) in Religious Mediumship, Energy work, Parapsychology and Professional Hypnotists in 1969 after returning from a US Marines tour in Vietnam and a great deal more personal contact with dead and dying. I have read Professionally from mid 70's on.
There is nothing more special about doing a Psychic Reading,
(and using spirit does not equate to sacred just another form of normal communications most do not have!)
then washing a dirty asshole in a old folks home. Both are Honorable work, both are needed at times and both can help the client with a better life!
So way all the Money is evil crap? First learning to access the World of Spirit and the Future or Past is most often taught by other Psychics and in some form of Religious Framework. Some of these Frameworks insist on coin changing hands others are neutral and some feel it is wrong.
Yet we live in times that the societies do not meet the needs of any just out of good will or because of their Robes and Special Arts that they may offer.
Also crying that to charge for one's time and Arts is evil is good excuse to try and get others to give away their time and Arts for free.It also gives an excuse as to why many do not put any real value on their time or their Psychic Arts.
Of Thur Sacred Work:
There is light years of difference between offering a Public Religious Honoring service to Gala, Gods, Demons or Sun / Moon, ect and doing personal Psychic serves, whether a Reading or Griss Griss and Conjurer work.
April 11 at 6:21pm · Like · 1

George King Marta yes as the old way of saying it was the exchange of coin. I and others still feel for reasons to long to go in that this should still be done, even a penny back and forth when two people read each outher will serve for the coin / Energy exchange. TDK
April 11 at 6:26pm · Like · 2

Marta de la Fuente 
I Ovate Marta, Before my honest Brehon Judges and all here in the Moot, State No, it is not because:

Every person that learns the Old Ways has to spend years learning and practising, taking time from his/her ordinary life events to perfectionate the Art he/she works with, putting energy on it so they can give accurate psychic readings/ magical work to the people who ask for guidance/help. So asking for some payback in return to compensate for the personal effort, and help with the economical effort of buying the required materials for the magical work is fair. We should have in mind that some people have a daily job that gives them financial security and they make readings only to help people in need without asking anything in return, which is fair, but some other pepple only have psychic readings/magical work as their only job and paying them back is necessary as they doesn´t have any other income.
April 12 at 10:34am · Edited · Unlike · 2

George King A Druid at the edge of the Moot, Loudly rings his bells in agreement!!!
April 12 at 1:22pm · Like

Marta de la Fuente Not to mention that priests are paid for doing spiritual work and counseling, so whats the problem with magicians? In its own way we all do the same.
April 12 at 4:10pm via mobile · Unlike · 2

Julie Anglehart 
I freewoman Julie, before my honest Brehon Judges and all here in the Moot, state no, because:
My opinion is split on one way: I think as psychic readings go, it should be a charged service, because once the "word" gets out, people come tumbling to your door and monopolize your time(in my experience) so I have sometimes put a price on my skills to weed out the skeptics taking me for a test drive, but on the other hand it kind of goes against the "help others in time of need" grain in me to charge them for guidance. But to charge ghastly amounts I feel is a bit like monopolizing the market, because people will think,"must be worth the price if he/she is expensive" and opens up a hole other can of worms for charlatans and my final vote is that as a psychic or bard or ovate or druid you should be warry who you offer services to and be redeem no, no flat rates,I don't think that's right. I cast a white stone because it is not evil to charge for services but one must be warry.
April 14 at 2:50pm · Unlike · 1

Julie Anglehart hope i got it right this time
April 14 at 2:50pm · Unlike · 2

Thomas Harris 
My honest Brehon Judges and all here in the Moot.I, Druid, Brother Thomas L. Harris, Jr., also known as Myrddin a Maeglin, submit: 

That the answer is both no and yes, because while it is true that the person who is the psychic is permitted to receive payment, or exchange of coin, for their services, it does not follow that they are necessarily allowed to receive such payment, or exchange of coin, for those same services. Overall, I cast a white stone into our Cauldron of Law in that it is not evil, however, there are cases of specific instances in which a black stone might need to be cast due to individual circumstance...

I postulate the following: it is known in history, and not only the history of our Faith's Tree, that those who perform sacred duties are commonly allowed, even encouraged, to receive the economic support of the community that they serve in return for the acts of ritual and complimentary services which are considered customary for their respective Orders and religious backgrounds. Thus, even in the Jewish Torah, it admonishes the devotees of their religion that “you shall not muzzle the ox from the corn”. Correspondingly, in the Barddas of Iolo Morganwg, whether or not we agree with his compilation, that Druids of previous days were granted not only priviledge, but also a means of providing their own livelihood via both grants of land and payment for services, and indeed, when bards were provided patronage, they indeed 'sang for their supper'. Psychics, in whatever form, provide what would equate to one of the two traditional services provided by the 'priestly' field of Ovate, and various practices of Ovatic divinitory service comprise a service, under whatever agreed upon cost, whether in coin or in barter, subject to potential payment.

That being said as 'just recompense', it must be stated that there are situations exempt from payment, whereby the psychic may not receive either coin or barter for their religious service to the community either as a whole or from individuals within it.

First, the case of a geas or geasa prohibiting the receipt of payment for such psychic services. If the person is under geas, then the geas takes precedence either from being placed under conditions or by taking a personal vow as a part of their spiritual and communal life, regardless, and often in deliberate contrast to, the usual customary liberty. As such, a person who is under a geas to not sit at a dinner table until the sun has set would not be permitted to seat themselves at a table until sunset, regardless of what the other people in the feast hall would be doing. Likewise, if a person is under geas to not receive coin for psychic services may not receive payment in coin for it, regardless of the liberty enjoyed by other psychics.

Second, the case of a vow within an Order, or a vow which places a particular community under their tutelage which prohibits the receipt of coin or barter as a part of that Order under the specifics of the vow, or which would violate the rights of the community under their tutelage. Vows are intended to set a person in contrast with the day-to-day life of the average community, and do so in such a way that it also constitutes an oral contract, and contracts under the fenechas must be fulfilled or be released by common agreement which nullifies or modifies the contract or vow.

The members of a community under the tutelage of a psychic who serves as it's spiritual guide may expect, if agreed upon previously or enjoyed by local custom, gratis services on an occasional basis, as long as it is understood that such gratis services are not an imposition upon the psychic spiritual guide to the point of interrupting time with family or the earning of a livelihood for them and their family. Very often, readings are included or appended to ritual services that are already part of the life of the community, and are thereby either gratis or included in the cost of the rites where local custom allows the receipt of payment for such rites. Gratis services are also included in home visitations that are done by rote in some communities as pastoral visits of a sort. Once a serious, and continuing, demand for services arises from members of the local spiritual community that inhibits quality time with the psychic's family life or the earning of a sufficient wage, the psychic or Ovate is no longer considered providing customary services, but going beyond customary services, and is at liberty to require an exchange of coin or services for their time and skills. If they are being imposed upon, it is seen as a recognition of their worth, and if a slave woman is given a value in cattle under the fenechas, is not the use of an Ovate also implied to be of worth?

If the Ovate is under a peculiar vow or by-law of their Order which prohibits the receipt of funds, or limitation of the funds received, then when they are acting in service to, or as a representative of, that Order they must obey the wording and spirit of that vow and/or by-law just as a person under geas is required to observe the conditions of the geas. For instance, in the Missionary Order of the Celtic Cross, there is a Rule which states that the clergy of the MOCC may not receive payment for religious services performed beyond their own costs. Traditionally, that is taken to mean that the religious services are provided to the MOCC group under their tutelage, so that they may receive coin or barter to a point, in repayment of transportation costs, acquiring ritual tools, books, and so forth. In terms of psychic services, it is acceptable to receive payment for purchase of the oracular tool and attendant costs of learning divinitory skills or taking continuing education classes to improve those skills at some later point. The time in serving members of the spiritual community as defined by the MOCC, however, are exempt from charge as long as it is in the customary line of religious services normally provided our groves and/or tribes. Not included in that by-law, however, are psychic services provided to persons outside of that community, more or less following the rule of thumb that, for instance, Wicca uses to divide coven from cowan, which are at liberty for the receipt of payment just as any psychic not under vow or geas would be able to receive.

The third exception to the liberty to receive payment would be a general prohibition by a spiritual Tradition or Path claimed by the Ovate or other psychic against receipt of payment for spiritual services performed. One example of this is that if a Druid were to belong to a Cherokee Traditionalist Path that prohibited the exchange of monies for Medicine (not all Cherokee Traditionalist paths do, but some observe that prohibitionn), then they are subject to the rules of behavior set for devotees of both Traditions, so that when one allows something, and the other prohibits, the more conservative position of prohibition is the behavior to be followed by default unless the Elders or other authorities of the objecting Tradition agree in concert to an exemption in their specific case, or for a specific period of time. This, just as the vow, carries the same weight as the geas.
April 15 at 11:44am · Unlike · 3

George King 
The case is now closed, Four have given their petitions before the honest Brehon Judges and all here in the Moot.

All four have stated charging for a Psychic Reading is not Evil! There have been exceptions brought as to when charges should not be used, I the Druid King the Brehon Druid Moot keeper, find these also wise and well stated.

Two white stones were also cast in the "Cauldron of Law" and no black stones were cast. All that wished to speak on the very important issue to Omni Druida and all of Pagus have had their chance. The case will now go in the Files and also the BDM's Blog so any and all may review the wisdom shown here this week.

The BDM wishes to thank all for their Wisdom, Time and Efforts in advancing important viewpoints for all of greater Druida and Pagus Worlds.

Moon Rising, The Druid King.

Monday, April 15, 2013

BDM Introduction

The BDM Brehon Druid's Moot blog is place where closed cases from the Face Book active BDM groups cases can be shared and studied.

To be active in this please join group on Face Book.

Welcome to the BDM Brehon Druid's Moot. Where all may be heard and the wisdom of the Brehon Elders shared upon your on troubled waters. 

Got a Bitch, Druid or Celt Done you Wrong, someone else's Cattle chewing on your farm ?

Tell it to the BDM, come ring you Bell maybe they will find a way to bring Peace to the Day!

I would like to impose One Rule! 
Unless both parities agree to be heard in BDM please do not use names of accused or harming Party or Business. This is to protect all in group or out of it !!!

When you have picked a Brehon team or had one assigned you may PM them the Name and they will PM the the other party and ask that they joint in the Moot proceeding. After initial request to be heard a Title will be assigned to case and thread move to it. 

Of Course all understand that these are only for entertainment, educational and helpful advice and have no Civil legal standing even on the sixth continent! 

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